Cosmogenic Radionuclide-Beryllium 7 (7Be) for Monsoon Rainfall Forecasting in Malaysia: A Systematic Literature Review
Cosmogenic Radionuclide, Beryllium-7, atmospheric tracer, rainfall, northeast monsoonAbstract
Within the region of India, monsoon prediction was reported to use the concentration of 7Be cosmogenic radionuclide that contains crucial information such as atmospheric behaviour change. This review aims to identify and analyse the existing research on the usage of 7Be Cosmogenic radionuclide in assisting weather forecasts, especially rain onset and withdrawal in the monsoon season and the correlations of rainfall and monsoonal variation in Malaysia. A comprehensive search of major scientific databases was conducted, and relevant studies were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria between January 2017 and August 2022. The review found that the method of utilising 7Be as a parameter in monsoon forecasting for India is newly developed and only be assessed using the trans-equatorial method. The review also highlighted the expectation that the 7Be concentration analysis throughout the years could provide new insight into understanding monsoon behaviour and can be further utilised in forecasting the rainfall intensity during a wet season in Malaysia.
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