Aims and Scope

The Malaysian Journal of Science, Health & Technology (MJoSHT) is an internationally recognized research journal that welcomes original and innovative fundamental research contributions. Our journal serves as a global platform for the dissemination of original fundamental research, interpretative reviews, and discussions on emerging developments in the fields of science, health, and technology.

We encourage the submission of papers that describe novel theories and their practical applications, as well as those that demonstrate the interdisciplinary transfer of techniques from various fields. Well-executed experimental studies, which are carefully interpreted, are also highly valued. Our primary focus is on publishing original and rigorous research results with broad significance.

MJoSHT invites manuscripts based on original research in various areas of science, health, and technology. Some of the topics covered include, but are not limited to:

  • Advanced Materials
  • Manufacturing
  • Energy and Transport
  • Science and Mathematics
  • Medical and Health Sciences
  • Nutrition
  • Dentistry
  • Engineering
  • Build Environment
  • Information and Communication Technology

We strive to embrace diverse perspectives and approaches, reflecting the breadth and depth of the aforementioned fields.