Soil Microbiome and Banana Plant Diseases: A Review
Soil microbiome, Banana plant diseaseAbstract
Soil microbiomes not only benefits the ecosystem, such as facilitating nitrogen cycling, but they can also cause unhealthy plant or even death since some of the microbes are pathogens. The crops yield will significantly decrease if the pathogens are still assembled in the soil, which could cause losses to farmers. Previous studies have acknowledged several aspects of the roles of soil microbiome and how soil variations can affect the availability and functions of the microbes. Banana is one of the most popular, commonly consumed, and essential fruit crops worldwide. Nevertheless, the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms as primary inhabitants in the soil become a main limiting factor in banana crops production. With current studies and technologies, the disease caused by pathogenic microbes in the soil can be controlled. The scope of this review is on soil microbiomes that contribute to banana plant diseases and the methods to control the disease.
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