The Impact of Microsoft Teams’ App in Enhancing Teaching- Learning English during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the English teachers’ perspectives’ in Jenin city
Teams app, Coronavirus, teacher’s perspectiveAbstract
This study stresses the global impact of Microsoft teams’ app in enhancing teaching-learning English during the Coronavirus (COVID-19). As one of the preventive steps for transmitting coronavirus infection, the introduction of lockdown and social distancing has been implemented, resulting in complete paralysis of global activities. There exists a shift from the usual learning practice to online learning, especially the complete shutdown of the education system to comply with the academic curriculum. This can be cited with more online courses, workshops, meetings, etc. It should be remembered that, during this crisis, the world is fully dependent on information technology. The present research offers, therefore, an insight into the impact of Microsoft teams’ app in enhancing teaching-learning English during Coronavirus (COVID-19). Thus, the sample was chosen conveniently from the population of English language teachers and included (25) teachers, 56% of them were females, 52% ageing 31 to 40 years old, with 48% indicating a teaching experience over ten years questionnaire consisted of (15) items of one dimension developed by the researchers based on their experiences and the available literature, In addition, the teachers indicated that the most significant feature of Ms. Teams is that it enables students to share files and share content and that it includes screen sharing options that allow teachers the freedom to display what they choose during a class, indicating that it creates an interactive atmosphere between students, teachers and the community inside and outside the classroom. Furthermore, the researchers recommended using Microsoft teams’ app and giving the English language teachers, students, and parents online workshops on how to use the app, also for the ministry of education to adopt the app.
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