Development of Automatic Reminder System for Geriatric Medicine Intake
The consumption of medicine is typical in geriatrics, having many problems related to medications. Geriatrics often forget to take their medicine, and this problem can be overcome by using an automatic reminder system. In this study, an automated reminder system is developed as an improved community element, acting as a system that can help geriatric in taking their medicine on time, thus, boosting their health condition. This reminder system also includes an interaction between the geriatrics and their caretakers. This reminder system includes Arduino UNO as the microcontroller, with the notification system, Blynk Application, a buzzer, and a light-emitting diode (LED) system. To make this reminder system more versatile, the buzzer will alarm during the medicine intake time, giving information to the elderly on which medicine to take. When the time has reached to take medication, the buzzer will produce a sound. Suppose the medicine box opens after the buzzer's sound and is detected by the passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor). In that case, the caretaker will receive a notification through the Blynk application that the geriatric already took medicine. On the contrary, if the medicine box is not open after 3 minutes following the buzzer's sound, which indicates that the geriatric did not take their medicine, the system will not send a notification to their caretakers on the status. This prototype is tested on ten users for its accuracy and effectiveness. It is believed that this system can provide geriatrics more alert in taking their medicine on time, enhancing their health status.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Aisyah Rahimi, Hamimi Zakri, Azira Khalil

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