Physicochemical Properties, Nutritional Composition and Sensory Acceptance of Chicken Meat Sausages with Chia Seed Powder Substitution
Chia seed has a high content of fibres and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Chia seed also holds numerous amounts of minerals and vitamins, including calcium and phosphorus. Chia seed offers a great potential of gel-forming ability and good water and oil holding capacities. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of chia seed powder substitution in chicken meat sausage formulations on the physicochemical characteristics and sensory acceptance. In the study, the chicken meat sausages were produced in four formulations; sample A as the control (100% chicken meat), sample B (5% substitution of chia seed powder to chicken meat), sample C (10% substitution of chia seed powder to chicken meat) and sample D (15% substitution of chia seed powder to chicken meat). The sausages were analysed for colour, texture, water holding capacity, cooking loss, proximate analysis, crude fibre content, and sensory acceptability. As for the findings, the substitution of chia seed powder resulted in low ‘L’ values of chicken meat sausage due to the dark colour of the chia seed. On the other hand, chia seed powder's substitution decreased the hardness and cohesiveness values. However, it increased the adhesiveness, springiness, and chewiness. Water holding capacity and a cooking loss percentage of the chicken meat sausages with chia seed powder substitution were observed to improve compared to control sausage (100% chicken meat), resulting in juicier sausages. The chia seed powder substitution increased the carbohydrate, ash, fat, and fibre contents for the chemical composition. On a 9-point hedonic scale, sample B (5% chia seed powder substitution) exhibited the highest sensory scores in all attributes evaluated (colour, texture, taste, juiciness, and overall acceptance). Thus, it can be concluded that chia seed powder can be substituted in chicken meat sausage to produce better quality products.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Norlelawati Arifin, Nurhani Fatihah Mohd Hanifah, Hanis Nadia Yahya

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