Publication Ethics

The Malaysian Journal of Science, Health & Technology (MJoSHT) is a distinguished scholarly publication proudly published by USIM Press and overseen by the Faculty of Science and Technology at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). As an esteemed journal in its field, MJoSHT is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and actively endeavors to prevent any form of publication misconduct.

Authors who submit their original articles to MJoSHT affirm that their work is entirely original and devoid of any copied or plagiarized content from other sources. By adhering to the MyCite Selection Criteria, Elsevier policies and ethical principles, as well as the COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, authors ensure the integrity and credibility of their research findings.

At MJoSHT, we firmly believe in fostering a scholarly environment characterized by honesty, integrity, and responsible conduct. Our ethical statement and policy provide a framework that guides the actions of authors, reviewers, and editors, thereby safeguarding the quality and reliability of the scientific knowledge disseminated through our journal.

Through the implementation of rigorous ethical guidelines, MJoSHT aims to cultivate a culture of academic integrity and accountability. These guidelines encompass various aspects of publication ethics, including authorship, plagiarism, data manipulation, conflicts of interest, and research ethics. By adhering to these principles, we strive to maintain the trust of our readers, contributors, and the broader scientific community.

MJoSHT remains committed to the continuous improvement of our ethical standards, as we recognize that the landscape of research and publication ethics evolves over time. We encourage authors, reviewers, and readers to familiarize themselves with our ethical statement and policy, as it serves as a foundation for ensuring the highest level of professionalism and ethical conduct in the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

MJoSHT's ethical statement and policy underscore our unwavering dedication to maintaining the utmost integrity and ethical standards in scientific publishing. By upholding these principles, we aim to contribute to the advancement of science, health, and technology and to inspire confidence in the reliability and validity of the research presented within our esteemed journal.

Ethical Guideline for Journal Publication.

Ethical guidelines play a crucial role in establishing a cohesive and highly regarded body of knowledge through peer-reviewed journal publications. The publication of an article in the esteemed Malaysian Journal of Science, Health & Technology (MJOSHT) not only reflects the quality of the authors' work but also the support provided by their affiliated institutions. Peer-reviewed articles are vital in strengthening and disseminating the scientific method, making it imperative to establish a comprehensive set of ethical standards for all stakeholders involved in the publication process, including authors, journal editors, reviewers, publishers, and the Society.

At the helm of MJOSHT, the Faculty of Science and Technology at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia takes its responsibility of ensuring ethical practices at every stage of publication with utmost seriousness. Recognizing the need for ethical conduct, MJOSHT acknowledges the imperative to adhere to ethical standards and fulfill other pertinent obligations.

By upholding these ethical guidelines, MJOSHT aims to promote integrity, transparency, and accountability in scientific research and publication. Authors are expected to demonstrate integrity in their work, ensuring that their research is original, devoid of plagiarism, and appropriately acknowledges the contributions of others. Journal editors are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring fair and unbiased review processes, while reviewers play a critical role in providing constructive feedback and maintaining confidentiality. Publishers are obligated to uphold ethical practices in the production and dissemination of research findings. The Society, as a collective entity, is encouraged to support and uphold the principles of responsible conduct in research and publication.

These ethical guidelines provide a framework that facilitates the publication of reliable, high-quality research in MJOSHT. By adhering to these guidelines, we seek to foster an environment of trust and credibility in scientific publishing. As custodians of scientific knowledge, it is our collective responsibility to promote ethical practices, safeguard intellectual integrity, and contribute to the advancement of science, health, and technology.

MJOSHT is committed to upholding ethical standards in journal publication, ensuring that all parties involved in the process conduct themselves ethically and responsibly. By following these guidelines, we strive to maintain the integrity of our journal and contribute to the robustness and reliability of the scientific knowledge disseminated within the global research community.

Types of Articles Accepted for MJOSHT

  1. Journal Articles in Science, Health, and Technology:

MJOSHT welcomes original research articles that contribute to scientific advancements in the fields of science, health, and technology. These articles present novel findings, methodologies, and theories in areas such as biology, chemistry, physics, biotechnology, healthcare, public health, and information technology. Journal articles undergo a thorough peer review process to ensure scientific rigor and adherence to ethical guidelines.

  1. Review Articles in Science, Health, and Technology:

MJOSHT considers comprehensive review articles that critically evaluate existing literature in the fields of science, health, and technology. These articles provide an overview of current knowledge, identify gaps in research, and offer insights for future investigations. Review articles may focus on specific topics, such as recent advancements in nanotechnology, emerging trends in healthcare delivery systems, or the impact of artificial intelligence in medical diagnostics. They involve a systematic review of relevant studies, analysis of key findings, and discussion of implications for the respective fields.

  1. Medical Case Reports:

MJOSHT invites medical case reports that present unique and significant clinical cases in various medical specialties. These reports provide valuable insights into rare diseases, unusual presentations, diagnostic challenges, innovative treatments, or adverse events. Medical case reports help expand medical knowledge, enhance clinical decision-making, and improve patient care. They typically include detailed descriptions of patient history, clinical manifestations, diagnostic investigations, treatment approaches, and outcomes.

By accepting these types of articles, MJOSHT aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, promote evidence-based practice, and facilitate the dissemination of research findings and clinical experiences in the fields of science, health, and technology. We encourage researchers, clinicians, and professionals in these domains to submit their work for consideration.

Formatting of Manuscript for MJOSHT

Authors submitting manuscripts to MJOSHT are required to adhere to specific formatting guidelines to ensure consistency and readability. The following guidelines outline the preferred formatting for submissions:

Document Format:

  • Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.
  • Use a standard page size, such as A4 or Letter.

Title and Author Information:

  • Place the title of the manuscript at the top of the first page in bold and capitalize the first letter of each word.
  • Provide the full names of all authors, along with their affiliations, including department, institution, city, and country.
  • Indicate the corresponding author with an asterisk (*) and provide their email address for correspondence.

Abstract and Keywords:

  • Begin the manuscript with an informative abstract, summarizing the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study.
  • Include a list of 3 to 5 keywords below the abstract, representing the main concepts or topics covered in the manuscript.

Main Text:

  • Organize the manuscript into sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
  • Use clear and concise headings for each section.
  • Ensure the text is written in a scholarly manner, with proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
  • Include in-text citations and a reference list following IEEE citation style.

Figures and Tables:

  • Number and label all figures and tables in the order they are mentioned in the text.
  • Provide a clear and concise title for each figure and table.
  • Place figures and tables within the main body of the manuscript, near their respective mentions.
  • Ensure that all figures and tables are legible and properly formatted.


  • Include a comprehensive list of references at the end of the manuscript, following IEEE referring style.
  • Ensure that all references cited in the text are included in the reference list, and vice versa.
  • Provide accurate and complete information for each reference, including authors' names, publication titles, journal names, volume and issue numbers, page numbers, and publication years.

Ethical Considerations:

  • If applicable, include a statement addressing ethical considerations, such as approval from an institutional review board or informed consent from participants.
  • Clearly indicate any potential conflicts of interest or funding sources related to the research.

Authors should carefully review the specific formatting requirements provided by MJOSHT for detailed instructions. Adhering to these guidelines will enhance the clarity and professionalism of the manuscript, increasing the chances of acceptance for publication.


The Responsibilities of Authors

Authors play a critical role in upholding the integrity and quality of research publications. To ensure ethical practices throughout their work, authors are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Standards for Reporting: Authors should provide an accurate and unbiased account of their work, presenting the research data in a transparent manner. The paper should contain sufficient information and references to enable reproducibility. It is considered unethical to include fraudulent or intentionally inaccurate statements.
  2. Data Access and Retention: Authors must provide the original data related to their manuscript for editorial review. Where feasible, authors are encouraged to make the data openly available to the public, in accordance with the Sherpa Romeo statement and the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases. Additionally, authors should retain the raw data for a reasonable period after publication.
  3. Originality and Plagiarism: Authors should produce their own original work. Proper citation or quotation is necessary when referring to the works and/or words of others. Plagiarism in any form, including presenting another person's work as one's own or copying significant portions without proper attribution, is considered unethical and unacceptable. Authors should only submit original work that has not been plagiarized, previously published, or under consideration elsewhere. MJOSHT employs software to identify similarities between submitted manuscripts and existing literature. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate information is not permissible, and all work and/or words from other publications must be appropriately cited or quoted. For more information, please refer to the MJOSHT Plagiarism Policy.
  4. Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication: Authors are advised against publishing manuscripts that describe essentially the same research in multiple journals or primary publications. Such behavior is considered unethical and unacceptable. Simultaneous submission of the same manuscript to multiple journals is also deemed unacceptable.
  5. Acknowledgement of Sources: Properly acknowledging the contributions of others is critical. Authors should cite publications that have significantly influenced their research.
  6. Authorship of the Paper: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, implementation, or interpretation of the reported research findings. All co-authors who have contributed significantly should be listed. If individuals have made substantial contributions to specific aspects of the study, they should be acknowledged or identified as contributors. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring the appropriate listing of all co-authors and confirming that they have reviewed and approved the final manuscript for publication.
  7. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including financial or other significant conflicts that could influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. Additionally, authors should disclose all sources of financial support for the research project in their manuscript.
  8. Fundamental Errors in Published Works: Authors are responsible for promptly notifying and cooperating with the MJOSHT editor if they discover any errors or inaccuracies in their published work. Corrections or retractions should be made as necessary.
  9. Hazardous Materials: When research involves the use of chemicals, procedures, or devices that carry risks, authors must explicitly state these risks in the manuscript.
  10. Protection of Human Subjects: Research involving human subjects should adhere to ethical guidelines such as the Declaration of Helsinki or the Belmont Report. Authors must ensure the maintenance of privacy, confidentiality, and dignity of participants throughout the study. Risks to participants should be minimized, and the benefits of the research should outweigh the potential risks.
  11. Protection of Animal Subjects: Research involving animals should follow ethical guidelines such as the Animal Welfare Act 2015 and the National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Authors must ensure humane treatment of animals, minimizing pain and suffering. Animals should be housed in a comfortable and safe environment with access to food and water.

By adhering to these responsibilities, authors contribute to the integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct of research and publication in MJOSHT.

The Responsibilities of Editors

Editors hold a pivotal role in upholding the ethical standards and ensuring the integrity of the publication process. They are entrusted with the following responsibilities:

  1. Fair Play: Editors must commit to fair play and evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts without any bias based on factors such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, nationality, ethnicity, or political philosophy of the authors.
  2. Confidentiality: Editors and all members of the editorial board are bound by strict confidentiality. They should not disclose any information related to submitted manuscripts to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors, and the publisher, as deemed appropriate and necessary in accordance with publication ethics.
  3. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Editors should refrain from using unpublished material from a submitted manuscript for their own research without explicit written permission from the author. They should also disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence their judgment or decision-making process.
  4. Publication Decisions: The editorial board of MJOSHT holds the responsibility of making informed decisions regarding the articles to be published. These decisions should be based on the significance of the research to readers and researchers, as well as its validation. The Editorial Board must adhere to the journal's policies and legal obligations concerning libel, plagiarism, and copyright infringement. Collaboration with other editors or reviewers may be sought to ensure a comprehensive and fair decision-making process.
  5. Review of Manuscripts: Editors are responsible for assessing the originality of each submitted manuscript. They should establish and implement a fair and appropriate peer review process. The peer review procedures should be transparently explained to authors, indicating which parts of the journal will be subjected to review. Editors should select reviewers who possess the necessary expertise required for the manuscripts and avoid potential conflicts of interest.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, editors contribute to maintaining the highest ethical standards and fostering the credibility and reliability of research published in MJOSHT.

The Responsibilities of Reviewers

Reviewers play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and integrity of the peer review process. They are entrusted with the following responsibilities:

  1. Contribution to Editorial Decisions: Reviewers assist the editor in making informed decisions regarding manuscript publication. Their expert feedback helps authors improve the quality of their work and contributes to the selection of high-quality research for publication.
  2. Promptness: Reviewers should promptly notify the editor if they feel unqualified to evaluate a manuscript or cannot complete the review within the agreed-upon timeline. It is essential to prioritize timely communication to ensure an efficient review process.
  3. Standards of Objectivity: Reviewers must conduct their evaluations objectively and provide constructive feedback. Personal criticism of the author should be avoided, and opinions should be justified with well-founded arguments.
  4. Confidentiality: Reviewers must treat all manuscripts and related materials as confidential. They should not disclose or discuss the content with unauthorized individuals unless granted permission by the editor. Maintaining confidentiality is crucial to safeguard the integrity of the review process.
  5. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest: Reviewers should maintain confidentiality regarding any confidential information or concepts obtained during the peer review process. They should not use such information for personal gain. Reviewers must avoid evaluating manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest arising from competitive, collaborative, or other affiliations with the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the manuscripts.
  6. Source Acknowledgement: Reviewers are expected to acknowledge relevant published work that the authors may not have referenced in the manuscript. If reviewers come across observations, derivations, or arguments that have already been reported, they must cite the appropriate source. If reviewers possess personal knowledge of substantial similarities or overlaps between the reviewed manuscript and other published work, they should bring this to the attention of the MJOSHT editor.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, reviewers contribute to maintaining the integrity, objectivity, and reliability of the peer review process, thereby upholding the quality standards of MJOSHT.

Ethics on Post Publication

Post publication amendments are necessary to ensure the accuracy and integrity of published works. The Malaysian Journal of Science, Health & Technology (MJOSHT) recognizes the following categories of amendments:

  1. Erratum: An erratum is a formal notification of a significant error made by the journal during the production process of an article. These errors have the potential to affect the scientific integrity of the publication, the reputation of the authors, or the journal itself.
  2. Corrigendum: A corrigendum is a formal notification of a significant error made by the author(s) of an article. These errors can impact the scientific integrity of the publication, the reputation of the authors, or the journal itself.
  3. Retraction: A retraction is a formal notice that invalidates the results of a published article. In such cases, all co-authors must sign the retraction statement, acknowledging the error and providing a brief explanation of how the conclusions of the article are affected. Retractions are considered when subsequent information, not known at the time of publication, seriously undermines or invalidates the main conclusions of the article. If readers believe that a published paper should be retracted, they should notify the Editor-in-Chief. The editor will consult with reviewers to assess whether the new information calls into question the main conclusions of the published article. The author of the article will also be given the opportunity to provide an explanation regarding the retraction request.
  4. Addendum: An addendum is an official notice that provides further details or clarification to a previously published article. It is issued in response to readers' requests seeking additional information or clarification on specific aspects of the publication.

These post publication amendments are essential to maintaining the accuracy and credibility of the research published in MJOSHT. The journal is committed to addressing and rectifying any errors promptly, ensuring the ongoing integrity of the scientific literature.

Penalties and Sanctions

The Malaysian Journal of Science, Health & Technology (MJOSHT) upholds a strict stance against plagiarism, considering it a severe violation of publication ethics and a form of scientific misconduct. The MJOSHT Editorial Board holds the responsibility for determining appropriate actions in cases of plagiarism. Instances of plagiarism are taken seriously, and the journal promptly addresses them with utmost diligence.

The Editors-in-Chief, Editorial Boards, and Reviewers play a crucial role in detecting plagiarism in submitted manuscripts. Given the gravity of such misconduct, maintaining confidentiality throughout the process is essential. Details regarding the plagiarism charge, supporting materials, and the outcome should only be disclosed to the individuals involved directly in the review process.

Authors are expected to follow due process and preserve confidentiality when dealing with allegations of plagiarism, falsification, or any other form of unethical conduct. Cases of misconduct will be handled in accordance with the Publication Code of Ethics established by the Editorial Board. If the Editorial Board determines the occurrence of unethical conduct, the manuscript in question will be rejected, and if the article has already been published, it will be immediately retracted.

Depending on the nature and severity of the misconduct, authors may face sanctions that restrict their submission of articles to the journal for a period ranging from one to three years. The MJOSHT reserves the right to evaluate cases of misconduct, such as plagiarism and redundancy, on an individual basis, considering the specific circumstances surrounding each incident.


To the Authors: Plagiarism, forgery, fabrication, or significant omission within a manuscript are considered unethical publishing behavior and are deemed unacceptable. In such cases, it is the responsibility of editors and/or reviewers to report the alleged misconduct to the Editor-in-Chief, who will initiate appropriate actions and inform the Editorial Board accordingly. Depending on the severity of the case, consequences for authors may include notification, rejection of the manuscript, retraction of the published article with a notice on the journal's website, prohibition of future submissions to the journal for a specified period, and informing the authors' institution about the unethical behavior for further actions.

To the Members of the Editorial Board: The integrity and fairness demonstrated by the members of the Editorial Board significantly contribute to the reputation of the journal. Hence, a high level of commitment to these principles is expected from them. In the event of misconduct allegations against a member of the Editorial Board, the complainant should contact the Editor-in-Chief, who will then provide the journal's Editorial Board with appropriate documentation substantiating the violation of publication ethics. If a member of the Editorial Board is found guilty of such unethical conduct, they will be promptly removed from their position, and the sanctions imposed on them will be equivalent to those imposed on authors found guilty of misconduct.

Ethical Guidelines for Human Subjects Research

In order to uphold ethical principles, researchers intending to conduct studies involving human participants must adhere to several requirements, which include:

  • Obtaining prior approval from an institutional review board (IRB) or an equivalent ethics committee.
  • Submitting documentation of IRB or ethics committee approval for the research, ensuring that any information that could potentially lead to the identification of study participants is removed from the approval document before submission to MJOSHT.
  • Certifying compliance with ethical procedures during the manuscript submission process.
  • Providing a report on the methods employed to obtain informed consent from participants, or a rationale explaining why consent was not obtained.
  • Ensuring written consent has been acquired from identified individuals for the use of their data.

These guidelines serve to safeguard the rights and well-being of human subjects involved in research, promoting ethical practices and upholding the integrity of scientific investigations.

Privacy and Informed Consent for Publication

Respecting the privacy and confidentiality of research participants is of utmost importance. We are committed to upholding individuals' right to anonymity and taking necessary steps to safeguard their privacy.

Authors are obligated to refrain from disclosing identifying information unless it is deemed essential to their contribution. If such information, such as patient data, is included, authors must confirm that they have obtained written consent from the individuals using the consent form specifically designed for publication in MJOSHT.

MJOSHT conducts a comprehensive review of all submissions to identify potential instances of identifying information and the presence of patient consent for publication. If the journal identifies the presence of patient information without proper consent, the submission will not be considered for publication.

In situations where identifying information is discovered post-publication, the journal will temporarily withdraw the article and promptly remove any content that could compromise the privacy of participants. Our aim is to maintain the highest standards of privacy protection and ensure the ethical dissemination of research findings.